Wabash College Crawfordsville, Indiana
A.B., 1966 -Botany, Chemistry
University of Washington Seattle, Washington
PhD., 1973 - Marine Botany
Dr. Richard E. Norris- Professor
The University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C.
Postdoctoral Fellowship -1973-1976
Dr. R. F. Scagel, Professor
Mumford Farms, Inc. 2011-present President, Board of Directors
Mumford Farms Inc. (MFI) is a 3,200 acre farm located in southern Indiana that grows corn, soybeans, wheat, timber and cattle. As Board president I preside over the Board, supervise the farm manager, and direct long-term planning, as well as fulfill the usual fiduciary and legal responsibilities of a board president.
AECOM Technology, Inc. 2013-2014 Consultant, Scientist V, Environmental To act as a peer reviewer of a science-based functional assessment tool that will be used by the U.S. Navy to determine effects of projects in the nearshore environment and to determine the ecological lift of conceptual mitigation designs This is part of a larger effort in developing an in-lieu fee mitigation program with stakeholders.
Washington Department of Natural Resources 1976-2011 Natural Resource Scientist
Developed a commercial seaweed aquaculture industry for the State of Washington. I integrated various factors to develop the culture of seaweeds used for food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, and energy bioconversion. Performed economic and market analyses, researched biological factors in order to grow plants selected for development, devised and constructed structures for their growth, investigated the biological, social and legal problems of site selection, obtained the necessary permits for aquaculture structures, and researched the various factors involved in optimizing production.
From 1976-1980, lead a team that operated a pilot-scale seaweed aquaculture demonstration farm for the production of the carrageenophytes Iridaea (Mazzaella) and Gigartina using raft and tank culture.
From 1979-1985, lead a team that transferred technology for Porphyra cultivation from Japan and demonstrated the biological and economic feasibility of “nori” production in the NE Pacific.
Research and apply methods for inventory, compensatory mitigation and restoration efforts for eelgrass and kelp.
Inventory nearshore marine and estuarine habitats for over 2,400 km of shoreline in Puget Sound with a staff of five and $400,000 annual budget. Using aircraft-based multispectral scanner digital data, image processing, geographic information systems and global positioning satellite positioning to build a database for resource management.
Served as Natural Resource Trustee for the Natural Resource Damage Assessment Superfund process in Commencement Bay.
Served on Steering Committee for Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program, Puget Sound Action Team.
Served a Department’s representative on the International Task Force for the British Columbia/ Washington Environmental Cooperation Council.
Acting Assistant Division Manager for Scientific Support Section, Business Systems Support Division , May-August, 2001. Managed 35 staff; created biennial budget of $5.8 million for section.
Served as head of the Scientific Support Section, Division of Aquatic Resources until 2010.
Served as Scientific Advisor to the Manager of the Division of Aquatic Resources.
Retired from Washington Department of Natural Resources, July 31, 2011.
Hawaiian Agronomics (International), Inc. 1986-7 Head Scientist
Project leader for Thailand/USAID program that developed domestic agar production capabilities using Gracilaria spp. in Thailand. Team consisted of Thai and US specialists in field production, extraction and agar processing, economics and marketing.
Solar Energy Research Institute 1984 Independent consultant
Contributed in the areas of concept biology and concept economics for the development of a technical assessment of macroalgal fuels production.
Ralph M. Parsons Co. 1982 Independent consultant
Evaluated a Technical and economic analysis for the production methane from Macrocystis pyrifera (California giant kelp); for the Gas Research Institute, and The General Electric Company.
U.S. Army July 1967- September 1969. Instructor
Taught clinical chemistry to medical laboratory technicians, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Sciences, Medical Field Service School, Ft. Sam Houston, Texas.
FHL 440/Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2018 (anticipated contract)
FHL 446, Marine Botany: Diversity and Ecology. Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer A quarter, 2018, (with Dr. Wilson Freshwater)
FHL 440/Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2018
FHL 440/Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2017
FHL 446, Marine Botany: Diversity and Ecology. Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer A quarter, 2016, (with Dr. Jeffery Hughey)
FHL 440/Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2016
FHL 440/Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2015.
Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2014.
Marine Phycology, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer quarter, 2012. (with Dr. J. R. Waaland)
Kelp Workshop, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, April 8-13, 2012.
Marine Phycology, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer quarter, 2010. (with Dr. J. R. Waaland)
Marine Phycology, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer quarter, 2008. (with Dr. J. R. Waaland)
Marine Phycology, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer quarter, 2006. (with Dr. J. R. Waaland)
Marine Phycology, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer quarter, 1993. (Visiting Professor of Marine Botany)
Marine Plant Resource Management, University of Washington, spring quarter, 1993, graduate seminar. (Visiting Professor of Marine Botany)
Principles of Aquaculture: Bamfield Marine Station, Bamfield, B.C. May, 1988. (team instructor)
The Ecology of Puget's Sound: The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA, July, 1984.
Marine Botany: The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA, spring quarter, 1984.
Marine Botany: University of Washington, Friday Harbor Labs, spring quarter, 1981.
Marine Botany: The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA, fall quarter, 1976
Marine Algae: Bamfield Marine Station, July-August, 1975.
Marine Algae: With Dr. L. Druehl, Bamfield Marine Station, May-June, 1974.
Marine Algae: With Dr. Nancy Nicholson, Santa Catalina Marine Biological Labs, University of Southern California, February-March, 1973.
Phycological Society of America
Western Society of Naturalists
Ecological Society of America
Northwest Straits Commission, Member, Scientific Advisory Committee. 2015- present.
International Kelp Alliance. With the NW Straits Commission. Charter Member. 2015- present.
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council, Alternate for Research Chair. January 2012- December 2016.
Technical Team for project “Protecting Ecosystem Functions With Sea Level Rise And Cumulative Effects Management Tools.” Friends of the San Juans, Coastal Geologic Services, Salish Sea Biological and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Funded by: The Puget Sound Marine And Nearshore Protection And Restoration Grant Program (WDFW/EPA), The Bullitt Foundation, and Robert Trimble. June 2012- 2013.
Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project. Nearshore Science Team. 2002-2012.
Shoreline Armoring Workgroup. 2008-2011.
Launch Committee, Coordinated Monitoring Program, Puget Sound Partnership, 2010-2011.
Steering Committee, Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, (held October, 2011)
Steering Committee, Coordinated Monitoring Program, Puget Sound Partnership, May 20111- July 2011.
Science Council, Washington Department of Natural Resources, 2009-2011.
Wabash College Crawfordsville, Indiana
A.B., 1966 -Botany, Chemistry
University of Washington Seattle, Washington
PhD., 1973 - Marine Botany
Dr. Richard E. Norris- Professor
The University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C.
Postdoctoral Fellowship -1973-1976
Dr. R. F. Scagel, Professor
Mumford Farms, Inc. 2011-present President, Board of Directors
Mumford Farms Inc. (MFI) is a 3,200 acre farm located in southern Indiana that grows corn, soybeans, wheat, timber and cattle. As Board president I preside over the Board, supervise the farm manager, and direct long-term planning, as well as fulfill the usual fiduciary and legal responsibilities of a board president.
AECOM Technology, Inc. 2013-2014 Consultant, Scientist V, Environmental To act as a peer reviewer of a science-based functional assessment tool that will be used by the U.S. Navy to determine effects of projects in the nearshore environment and to determine the ecological lift of conceptual mitigation designs This is part of a larger effort in developing an in-lieu fee mitigation program with stakeholders.
Washington Department of Natural Resources 1976-2011 Natural Resource Scientist
Developed a commercial seaweed aquaculture industry for the State of Washington. I integrated various factors to develop the culture of seaweeds used for food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, and energy bioconversion. Performed economic and market analyses, researched biological factors in order to grow plants selected for development, devised and constructed structures for their growth, investigated the biological, social and legal problems of site selection, obtained the necessary permits for aquaculture structures, and researched the various factors involved in optimizing production.
From 1976-1980, lead a team that operated a pilot-scale seaweed aquaculture demonstration farm for the production of the carrageenophytes Iridaea (Mazzaella) and Gigartina using raft and tank culture.
From 1979-1985, lead a team that transferred technology for Porphyra cultivation from Japan and demonstrated the biological and economic feasibility of “nori” production in the NE Pacific.
Research and apply methods for inventory, compensatory mitigation and restoration efforts for eelgrass and kelp.
Inventory nearshore marine and estuarine habitats for over 2,400 km of shoreline in Puget Sound with a staff of five and $400,000 annual budget. Using aircraft-based multispectral scanner digital data, image processing, geographic information systems and global positioning satellite positioning to build a database for resource management.
Served as Natural Resource Trustee for the Natural Resource Damage Assessment Superfund process in Commencement Bay.
Served on Steering Committee for Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program, Puget Sound Action Team.
Served a Department’s representative on the International Task Force for the British Columbia/ Washington Environmental Cooperation Council.
Acting Assistant Division Manager for Scientific Support Section, Business Systems Support Division , May-August, 2001. Managed 35 staff; created biennial budget of $5.8 million for section.
Served as head of the Scientific Support Section, Division of Aquatic Resources until 2010.
Served as Scientific Advisor to the Manager of the Division of Aquatic Resources.
Retired from Washington Department of Natural Resources, July 31, 2011.
Hawaiian Agronomics (International), Inc. 1986-7 Head Scientist
Project leader for Thailand/USAID program that developed domestic agar production capabilities using Gracilaria spp. in Thailand. Team consisted of Thai and US specialists in field production, extraction and agar processing, economics and marketing.
Solar Energy Research Institute 1984 Independent consultant
Contributed in the areas of concept biology and concept economics for the development of a technical assessment of macroalgal fuels production.
Ralph M. Parsons Co. 1982 Independent consultant
Evaluated a Technical and economic analysis for the production methane from Macrocystis pyrifera (California giant kelp); for the Gas Research Institute, and The General Electric Company.
U.S. Army July 1967- September 1969. Instructor
Taught clinical chemistry to medical laboratory technicians, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Sciences, Medical Field Service School, Ft. Sam Houston, Texas.
FHL 440/Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2018 (anticipated contract)
FHL 446, Marine Botany: Diversity and Ecology. Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer A quarter, 2018, (with Dr. Wilson Freshwater)
FHL 440/Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2018
FHL 440/Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2017
FHL 446, Marine Botany: Diversity and Ecology. Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer A quarter, 2016, (with Dr. Jeffery Hughey)
FHL 440/Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2016
FHL 440/Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2015.
Biology 445, Marine Botany, ZooBot quarter, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, spring quarter, 2014.
Marine Phycology, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer quarter, 2012. (with Dr. J. R. Waaland)
Kelp Workshop, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, April 8-13, 2012.
Marine Phycology, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer quarter, 2010. (with Dr. J. R. Waaland)
Marine Phycology, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer quarter, 2008. (with Dr. J. R. Waaland)
Marine Phycology, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer quarter, 2006. (with Dr. J. R. Waaland)
Marine Phycology, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, summer quarter, 1993. (Visiting Professor of Marine Botany)
Marine Plant Resource Management, University of Washington, spring quarter, 1993, graduate seminar. (Visiting Professor of Marine Botany)
Principles of Aquaculture: Bamfield Marine Station, Bamfield, B.C. May, 1988. (team instructor)
The Ecology of Puget's Sound: The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA, July, 1984.
Marine Botany: The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA, spring quarter, 1984.
Marine Botany: University of Washington, Friday Harbor Labs, spring quarter, 1981.
Marine Botany: The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA, fall quarter, 1976
Marine Algae: Bamfield Marine Station, July-August, 1975.
Marine Algae: With Dr. L. Druehl, Bamfield Marine Station, May-June, 1974.
Marine Algae: With Dr. Nancy Nicholson, Santa Catalina Marine Biological Labs, University of Southern California, February-March, 1973.
Phycological Society of America
Western Society of Naturalists
Ecological Society of America
Northwest Straits Commission, Member, Scientific Advisory Committee. 2015- present.
International Kelp Alliance. With the NW Straits Commission. Charter Member. 2015- present.
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council, Alternate for Research Chair. January 2012- December 2016.
Technical Team for project “Protecting Ecosystem Functions With Sea Level Rise And Cumulative Effects Management Tools.” Friends of the San Juans, Coastal Geologic Services, Salish Sea Biological and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Funded by: The Puget Sound Marine And Nearshore Protection And Restoration Grant Program (WDFW/EPA), The Bullitt Foundation, and Robert Trimble. June 2012- 2013.
Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project. Nearshore Science Team. 2002-2012.
Shoreline Armoring Workgroup. 2008-2011.
Launch Committee, Coordinated Monitoring Program, Puget Sound Partnership, 2010-2011.
Steering Committee, Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference, (held October, 2011)
Steering Committee, Coordinated Monitoring Program, Puget Sound Partnership, May 20111- July 2011.
Science Council, Washington Department of Natural Resources, 2009-2011.
SITE © 2021 T. F. Mumford, Jr. All rights reserved.